Salam alaikum My dear friends
Today My topic is about " the end of world " .. if i am right it's from Allah and if i am wrong it's from satan and myself ; and i seek refuge with Allah from evils of ourselves .........D.kheiro
All of u
s know that our prophet Muhammad pbuh talked about signs which come before the end " the minor and major signs ""
i am going to talk about minor signs cause if major ones appeared the door of tawba would be closed " ...
the thprophet Muhammad pbuh said
" people would follow a way of life other than mine , and give guidance other than mine "
'' i fear for my people only the leaders who lead men astray "
" before the last hour there will be great liars , so betware of them "
" when the most wicked member of a tribe becomes its ruler , and the most worthless member of a community become it's leader and a man is respected through fear of the evil he may do , and leadership is given to people who are unworthy of it , expect the hour " all of these warnings have already been dramatically and ominously fullfilled around the world now
he also said " women would arrange their hair to look like the hump of a camel " and this sign we see it everyday
'' women would dress like men " .. we already see this sign .. women in trousers and jacket and perhaps a tie
" women be dressed and yet be naked "
" men would dress like women "
" homesexuality and lesbiansim would become commonplace "
" children born outside of marriage would become commonplace "
" fornication and adultery would be become commonplace "
" disproportion in balance of men and women to such an extent that ' one man would have maintain ( not marry ) fifty women ' "
" universal consumption of alcoholic beverages "
" religious knowledge would disappear "
"time would move swiftly ..a year passing like a month .. a month like a week . a week like a day "
"nothing would such prevelence of random killing , murder and violence , a killer would not know why he is killing and the victim would not know why he is being killed "
" nothing would remain of islam but the name , and nothing would remain of the quran but the traces of its writting ..etc "
Before 1400 years Allah said in Quran " The hour has come near "
Subhanallah , we have already seen all the signs of the end of the world but ,we still disobey our lord ..
Wallah i see people knock the doors of Hell fire but they still breath and alive .. Wallah i see people knock the doors of Hell fire by their sins in our life ..
We are still alive .. we still breath .. doors of tawba is opened ... ramadan is coming ; don't waste time and turn to your lord before you return to him
Fight against yourself and your satan ... Fight against your family ' if your are not muslim " ..
on the day of judgment , no one will help you .. the man will flee from his brother , and his mother and father , and his wife and his children .. every man , that day , will be a matter edequate for him
Allah said " some faces , that day , will be bright , laughing , rejoicing at good news , and other faces , that day will have upon them dust , blacknes will cover them , those are the disbelievers , the wicked ones "
O Allah , make me , All my family , friends and All muslims Ummah among those people who will have brigh faces ""